Celebrities at the place-to-be “Lux Stage Athens” enjoying the premium vodka “Beneluxe”!
The unique nights at “Lux Stage Athens’’ (165 Andrea Syggrou Ave.) have chosen to be attended by many famous guests to have fun with favorite

Amazing “Fiesta” at the premiere of Elena Paparizou and Konstantinos Christoforou in Cyprus’s crowded “Notes Live”!
Elena Paparizou and Konstantinos Christoforou, the hottest twin of this season, welcomed the explosive premiere of the entertainment center – a reference point of Cyprus

The official press release and photo album of the 72nd Star Hellas Competition, Miss Hellas, Miss Young 2024, which was completed with great success in the impressive “Fantasia Live” of the Athenian Riviera!
The 72nd Star Hellas Competition, Miss Hellas and Miss Young 2024 in the impressive “Fantasia Live” of the Athenian Riviera, was completed. In a Christmas

10 Years “Boudoir Perfumes by Anastazia”: an amazing anniversary event that everyone was there!
In a highly festive atmosphere, “10 Years Anniversary Party” was successfully held for the well -known “Boudoir Perfumes by Anastazia”. The favorite businesswoman Anastasia Triantafyllopoulou

The annual Christmas Charity Event of “Bread Factory”, supporting the “Love Basiliki Komnou”!
“Bread Factory” organized, for one more year, a unique Christmas Charity Event, offering financial and psychological support to the “Love Basiliki Komnou” Association, which aims

Double Trouble Party for the well -known “Photovekris” photography chain, which celebrated its 50th anniversary of its opening and opening the new store in Glyfada
The double anniversary event was held with great success because of the “50 year anniversary party” & “New Store Opening” of the new “Photovekris” store